Press photos
This page contains current photo materials in print-ready resolution for your editorial coverage of the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum. When using these photos, please name the copyright holder as specified on the files.
Please note that you must specifically request permission for any proposed commercial use. Please contact us again before using the images in any other connection or before making them available to anyone else.
You need a motif or some concrete material for your media report? Please contact the Communication & Marketing department by email or by telephone, +49 234 5877-141.
Let the dust settle ... Mining and the environment: a German-German comparison
Download press images "Let the dust settle… Mining and the environment: a German-German comparison" (.zip)
For all photos of the exhibition "Gras drüber ..." we ask for the following indication of the right of use and copyright: Heike Kandalowski.
We make the photographic material available to you for editorial reporting. All other uses require separate permission.
Black Gold and China. Fotografien von Lu Guang
Download press pictures Black Gold and China. Fotografien von Lu Guang (.zip)
Please note the rights of use and the deviations for print and digital journalism.