Programs for Adults

Our knowledge-sharing formats designed for adults include not only practical theme-based workshops, but also the biographical series entitled “Erinnerungen aus dem Henkelmann” (Recollections from the Henkelmann) as well as guided tours for people with dementia. All these formats contain references to the Hard Coal, Mining, Mineral Resources, and Art tours of our permanent exhibition.

For advice and bookings, please telephone our Visitor Service on +49 234 5877-220 or send a message to (Tues. to Fri. between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm).

Mining shaped the Ruhr region - and its people - in a unique way. The collieries, hard work, daily danger, living together in the colony shaped an entire region. Since the coal crisis at the end of the 1950s, the Ruhr region has been undergoing structural change. But to this day people speak of their own "Ruhr mentality". The miner comes from here.

In our series "Memories from the Henkelmann" we go in search of traces. Once a quarter, over coffee and cake, we lift memories around mining themes. In an entertaining way, we learn a lot of interesting facts about the everyday culture and history of our region. In this way, we not only strengthen our own roots, but also our understanding of each other and the issues of the present.

A special place, challenging lighting conditions and imposing machines await amateur photographers on our photo walk. Here you can photograph the visitor's mine from a variety of angles in an authentic atmosphere. The most important component in photography is light - even underground. After an introduction, you can explore the underground world photographically yourself with the help of various tasks and try out a wide variety of lighting situations under supervision. You will receive photographic support and learn a lot about mining at the same time.

Upcoming events

The permanent exhibition of the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum offers numerous exhibits with links to experiences from the past. People with dementia and their relatives can experience a sensory-engaging tour of everyday life in the past.

Upcoming events
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Minerals are among the raw materials that man was the first to use and mine, not only as jewellery but also as colouring agents. Minerals and crystals fascinate with their countless shapes and different colours. But how are these treasures of the earth created? This question and other secrets about the glittering building blocks will be explored in the workshop. Minerals can be identified with simple tools.

  • Duration: approx. 2 hours
  • Costs: 130 € per group incl. admission
  • Registration: required at +49 234 5877-220 (Tues. to Fri. between 09:00 and 15:00) or
  • Max. number of persons: 8 participants

Note: Please collect your tickets max. 30 minutes before the start of the tour, otherwise your reservation will be cancelled.

In an interactive hands-on activity, you can approach the topic of metal from a different angle. Here you have the opportunity to learn about prehistoric metalworking practices and try one of them out for yourself.

  • Duration: approx. 2 hours incl. guided tour
  • Cost: 110 € incl. materials plus entrance fee
  • Registration: required at +49 234 5877-220 (Tues. to Fri. between 09:00 and 15:00) or
  • Max. number of persons: 8 participants

Note: Please collect your tickets max. 30 minutes before the start of the tour, otherwise your reservation will be cancelled.
