METALLA Special issue 12 published

The METALLA special issue complements the well-known journal, by allowing authors and editors to publish a larger number of papers or different research topics in the form of conference proceedings, thematic issues, or monographs. This special issue 12 presents the research results summarised into abstracts from the annual conference „Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege“.

The conference took place from 28.03-01.04.2023 in the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim, and was supported by the Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie gGmbH (CEZA, organiser), the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim, the Gesellschaft für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie ARCHÄOMETRIE e.V. (GNAA), the Bruker Nano GmbH and the Deutsche METROHM GmbH & Co. KG.

At the conference, a wide variety of topics and foci were presented and discussed during more than 39 lectures, through 5 posters slam presentations and in discussion forums from all fields of archaeometry. The main topics (conference sessions) are grouped and summarised below:

  • General topics and methods
  • Biomaterial's
  • Pigments and painting
  • Metallurgy
  • Ceramics and clay
  • Glass and glazes
  • Stone
  • Conservation.

You can find more information about the METALLA magazine here. 

The online publication of the Sonderheft 12, compared to the print version (03/21/2023), has been supplemented with the abstract by Herm, et al.

The abstracts are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND4.0). Unless otherwise indicated, the image rights to graphics and photographs are held by the authors of the respective texts.